It’s an ancient technique used in Chinese Medicine to open the channels and remove blockages. It can be used in conjunction with or instead of acupuncture needles. Cupping uses glass or plastic vessels that create a vacuum which gently suctions small areas of skin and muscles into the cup, thereby creating a stimulating, pleasant sensation. To apply a cup, the practitioner lights a cotton ball underneath the mouth of the cup for a few seconds, burning off the oxygen inside and creating a vacuum effect. The cup is quickly placed on the desired treatment area and allowed to gently suction the skin. Cups may be left in place during the entire duration of the treatment, or the practitioner may apply oil to the skin and then slide the cups over a larger area. Cupping increases circulation, and for a few days after the cupping treatment, there will be small bruises in the area where the cups were applied. Cupping is often used together with acupuncture and Herbal medicine.
Olympics: Phelps gives ‘cupping’ a boost in China
Medical Press
August 11, 2016
Star US swimmer Michael Phelps has captured headlines in Rio’s Olympic pool this week for his astonishing lifetime haul of gold medals, and for the curious red circles on his shoulder.
The marks come from a traditional Chinese practice known as “ba guan”—or “cupping” in English—where small glass jars are heated and placed on the skin. The heat creates a seal that sucks the skin roughly three centimetres into the jar, drawing blood to the area.
It can also be applied with glass suction cups, which appears to be the method Phelps uses according to photos posted on his verified Instagram account.
Backs, arms and legs covered with red circles are already a common sight in China on men and women of all ages, but the practice has boomed in popularity since Phelps’ marks were spotted, practitioners say.
Its primary use is supposedly to relieve pain, although there is little conclusive evidence of any benefit.
But Chinese media have been cheering cupping’s appearance at the Olympics as proof of the value of traditional culture, with both the official Xinhua news agency and Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily touting the soft-power benefits.
“Chinese traditions and products proliferate Olympic village”, read one headline on the People’s Daily website.
Ding Hui, manager of the Lily Spring Health & Spa in Beijing, said she has seen a 30 percent jump in clients asking for cupping treatment since the Olympics started.
“Even though Chinese people have known about it for a long time, they see a great athlete does it and see it really works,” Ding said.
“For athletes, they build up harmful lactic acid in the body and cupping can help relieve it.”
But in several studies researchers have said that while patients report feeling less pain when treated with cupping, they cannot be sure of a causal link because there is no way to rule out the placebo effect.
There have been relatively few clinical trials and outside China the practice has been largely restricted to alternative medicine clinics.
Benefits of Cupping Therapy: Alternative Medicine for Pain, Immunity & Digestion
In recent years, several elite athletes and celebrities have been spotted sporting cupping marks on their bodies. As such, a practice that began in ancient times finally earned some spotlight from the mainstream media. The attention has helped make cupping a popular trend, and for good reason. Benefits of cupping are widely reported, they include pain relief and skin rejuvenation.
Cupping is an ancient alternative therapy treatment in which cups are placed on the skin to create a vacuum-like suction. The vacuum activity is meant to increase blood flow and expel toxins through the skin. Cupping therapy comes with the identifiable trademark of leaving circular swelling marks on the skin, which aren’t as painful as they look.
When Did Chinese Cupping Begin?
The earliest records of cupping therapy date back to the ancient Egyptians around 1500 B.C. (1) Cupping originated with the use of hollowed-out animal horns that were used to treat boils and suck the toxins out of snakebites and skin lesions. From animal horns, cupping evolved to using bamboo cups.
The history of Chinese cupping dates back to the year 281 AD (2). An early use of cupping in China was to cure pulmonary tuberculosis. The Chinese are highly regarded for the evolution of cupping therapy and it is considered a staple of traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese use cupping therapy benefits as a means to prevent stagnation and stimulate the flow of qi, the flow of life energy circulating around us.
One symbol of evolution in cupping therapy is the use of glass cups. Bamboo cups are still used in modern cupping therapy, although the preferred cupping material of today is glass which enables therapists to observe the patients skin.
How Cupping Therapy Works
Cupping usually begins with a patient lying down on a therapy table. Soothing oils are commonly applied for relaxation and to allow for effortless movement of cups on the body. A practitioner will heat the inside of a cup, invert it, and then apply to a selected area of the patient’s skin.
Heating can be done by lighting alcohol or material doused in alcohol such as herbs, cotton or paper. The cups act as a vacuum, drawing blood vessels up to the surface of the skin and releasing toxins. The length of time cups are left on the skin varies anywhere from 3-15 minutes.
The 5 Cupping Therapy Methods
Dry Cupping
A common form of cupping in which cups rests in place for around 10 minutes causing blood vessels under the skin to expand and redden. Glass cups are ideal due to their durability and ease of sterilization.
Wet Cupping
After a session of dry cupping, the treated areas of skin are pierced with needles or have tiny incisions made with scalpels. A second round of cupping then occurs to draw out blood out of the holes. The holes allow for toxins to be expelled with the blood. Pressure may be applied around the cups to increase blood flow (4).
Moving Cupping
Oil is applied to the skin to ease the movement of the cup over the skin. Once suction is created the cup is gently glided around the body as a form of massage therapy. Silicone cups are often used in this method because they are softer and move well around the skin.
Fire Cupping
To begin, a cotton ball doused in a flammable alcohol solution is held with forceps in a glass cup. The ball creates heat, is quickly removed and then the cup is placed on the skin. An alternate method is to pour alcohol directly into the glass, light it, and wait for the fire to extinguish before placing it on the skin.
Magnetic Cupping
Magnets can produce positive effects by encouraging the movement of electric currents through the body. After oils are applied to the body, cups are placed on selected body points. The cups are a cylindrical shape and contain magnets in the bottom portion. The vacuum activity causes the skin to rise and make contact with the magnet, stimulating the flow of energy through the body. Magnet cupping can be used to treat pressure points of the body, allowing it to double as a form of acupressure.
Cupping Therapy Benefits
- Stimulates Qi– Cupping allows the flow of energy to occur. By promoting blood circulation, the Qi and life energy stay active.
- Detoxification– Toxins are expelled through the skin as well as the blood during wet therapy.
- Relieves pain– Treats arthritis, fibromyalgia, and pain from injury or physical activity.
- Supports the immune system– Healing is accelerated through cupping.
- Healthy Skin– Aids in treating eczema, urticaria, hives or acne.Is also used to treat wrinkles and promote facial rejuvenation.
- Improves digestion.
- Mental Health– Aids in treating anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
- Gynelogical support– Gynelogicol problems such as irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, and cramping can be treated through cupping.
- Relieves headaches and migraines (6).
Is Cupping Therapy Safe?
To someone unfamiliar with cupping, the practice may instill some feelings of trepidation. The use of fire and sight of swelled up circles on the skin may not be for everyone. Despite these images, cupping is generally a safe practice provided treatment is performed by a trained practitioner.
Moderate side effects can be noticed in the area of treatment, including mild discomfort, burns, bruises and skin infection. Bruises resulting from cupping are usually painless and disappear within a few days of treatment. You can even wear the bruises as a badge of honor if you so desire.
Although a safe practice, there are a few instances in which cupping should not be performed. Patients with inflamed skin, cases of high fever or convulsions and patients who bleed easily are not suitable candidates for cupping. Pregnant women should not have cupping performed on their stomach or lower back (7).
What Studies Say About The Benefits Of Cupping
Of the limited studies performed on cupping, the consensus is that the tests were flawed or subject to bias (3). In order to make a more accurate assessment of the efficacy of cupping, further tests are required. So far, the most valid evidence supporting benefits of cupping is thousands of years of use and those who claim benefits!
Want Cupping Benefits?
If you’ve gotten your head around fiery cotton balls and circular bruises, perhaps cupping is right for you. As a note, optimal benefits of cupping are usually experienced when accompanied by other forms of therapy such as massage and acupuncture. Cupping can also be a nice complement to traditional westernized medicine. Consult with your physician to determine if cupping is right for you.
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